Chapter 1: Preface

Dear student,

if you read this script, you are either participating in one of my courses on digital methods for the social sciences, or at least interested in this topic. If you have any questions or remarks regarding this script, hit me up at

This script will introduce you to techniques I regard as elementary for any aspiring (computational) social scientist: the collection of digital trace data via either scraping the web or acquiring data from application programming interfaces (APIs), the analysis of text in an automated fashion (text mining), the analysis and visualization of spatial data, and the modeling of human behavior in silico (agent-based modeling).

The following chapters draw heavily on packages from the tidyverse (Wickham et al. 2019) and related packages. If you have not acquired sufficient familiarity yet, you can have a look at the excellent book R for Data Science (Wickham, Çetinkaya-Rundel, and Grolemund 2023).

I have added brief videos to each section. In these, I will briefly go through the code of the respective section and show a bit of what’s going on in there. I sometimes spontaneously elaborate a bit more on the examples at hand or show things in the data, so they may add some value. However, the script should be sufficient to provide you an understanding the concepts I introduce.


This script will unfold as follows:

Chapter 2, “Brief R Recap,” briefly introduces RStudio Projects, Quarto, tidy data and tidyr, dplyr, ggplot, functions, loops, and purrr. These techniques are vital for the things that will come next.

Chapter 3, “stringr and RegExes,” deals with string manipulation using, you guessed it, stringr and RegExes.

Chapters 4 and 5, “Crawling the Web and Extracting Data” and “APIs,” introduce the reader to the basics of rvest, HTML, and CSS selectors and how these can be used to acquire data from the web. Moreover, I introduce the httr package and explain how you can use it to make requests to APIs.

Chapter 6, “selenium,” introduces selenium, a Python package that allows you to control a “headless browser” – this is invaluable if you want to scrape dynamic web sites. It will also feature an introduction to reticulate, an R package that allows you to use Python code in an R environment.

Chapter 7, “Chapter 7: OCR with tesseract,” shows you how to digitize text from pdf files or images in an automated fashion using tesseract.

Chapter 8, “OpenAI whisper” focuses on the transcription of audio files. This includes diarization.

Chapter 9, “Text Preprocessing and Featurization,” touches upon the basics of bringing text into a numeric format that lends itself to quantitative analyses. It also introduces feature weighting using TF-IDF (i.e., determining which tokens matter more than others), Named-Entity Recognition, and Part-of-Speech-tagging.

Chapter 10, “Dictionary-based analysis,” covers dictionary-based text analysis.

Chapter 11, “Supervised Classification,” deals with the classification of text in a supervised manner using tidymodels.

Chapter 12, “Unsupervised Classification,” deals with the classification of text in an unsupervised manner using “classic” Laten Dirichlet Allocation, Structural Topic Models, and Seeded Topic Models.

Chapter 13, “Word Embeddings,” showcases new text analysis techniques that are based on distributional representations of words, commonly referred to as word embeddings.

Chapter 14, “BERT/GPT/NLI,” demonstrates the latest and greatest in NLP. This script will only contain small data-sets, since these large language models require more computing power (e.g., a server with plenty of RAM as well as sufficient CPU and/or GPU power)

Chapter 15, “Spatial Data – Intro and Visualization,” serves as an introduction to spatial data and gives a gentle primer on how to work with them and visualize them.

Chapter 16, “Spatial Data – Modeling,” picks up on Chapter 14 and shows you how to draw statistical inferences using spatial data.

The chapters 17, “Agent-based Models,” and 18, “Empirically-calibrated Agent-based Models,” demonstrates ways to model agents’ behavior from the ground up based on (a) researcher’s assumptions, and, optionally, (b) empirically observed values.

All chapters try to deal with social scientific examples. Data sets will be provided via Dropbox, therefore the script shall run more or less out of the box. I tried to include “Further links” for the avid readers or the ones that are dissatisfied with my coverage of the content. Exercises are included, the respective solutions will be added as the course unfolds (except for the R recap, please contact me in case you are interested).


Wickham, Hadley, Mara Averick, Jennifer Bryan, Winston Chang, Lucy McGowan, Romain François, Garrett Grolemund, Alex Hayes, Lionel Henry, Jim Hester, Max Kuhn, Thomas Pedersen, Evan Miller, Stephan Bache, Kirill Müller, Jeroen Ooms, David Robinson, Dana Seidel, Vitalie Spinu, Kohske Takahashi, Davis Vaughan, Claus Wilke, Kara Woo, and Hiroaki Yutani. 2019. Welcome to the Tidyverse.” Journal of Open Source Software 4(43):1686.
Wickham, Hadley, Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel, and Garrett Grolemund. 2023. R for Data Science: Import, Tidy, Transform, Visualize, and Model Data. 2nd edition. Beijing Boston Farnham Sebastopol Tokyo: O’Reilly.